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Derek Ramsay is ready to love again 0 Comments

By Official
7/25/12 | Source From

Derek Ramsay admitted that it wasn't easy for him to move on since break-up but he reveals that he is okay and his heart is okay.

 “Nung umpisa it was hard for me.Hindi ko alam kung saan ilalagay sarili ko ‘cause 6 years is 6 years. But now I’m happy. I’m working.  I’ve been keeping myself busy. I’m competing in Japan. And I know she’s happy. So yeah, my heart is ok. All those great memories are tucked away deep inside [my heart]. But, for now, I’m on my feet, I’m moving forward,” he said in an interview with at NAIA, Tuesday, July 24. 

Derek Ramsay also admitted that he's ready to love, to date, or to fall in love again

 “Pwedeng makipag-date!Pwedeng magmahal! Pwede rin (seeing someone),” 

Is he dating already with someone?

. “You never know. You don’t look for it. Love can hit you anywhere. I learned a lot in my 6 years relationship with Angel. She taught me so much,” said Derek who had nothing but good words about Angelica. 

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