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Robi Domingo revealed his volleyball player crush 0 Comments

By Official
8/14/12 | Source From

Kapamilya Heartthrob "Robi Domingo" admitted that his first year crush is Gretchen Ho (A Ateneo Volleyball Player)

“Actually, she was my first year crush during college days pa and then we got to work on this project at the Ateneo Placement office and then ayun, nakilala ko siGretchen dun and then yun na, we exchanged numbers tapos hindi ko naman akalain.” Robi did not hesitate to reveal what he thinks of the pretty UAAP athlete. “She’s very simple despite her popularity, despite her standing in this society. She’s very upscale eh. Gretchen Ho the volleyball player, the model student. People look up to her but when you get to meet her, she’s not fancy at all and I really admire that especially sa isang babae na you get to be very simple and be very gorgeous at the same time.” He shared with

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