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Sam Milby and Maja Salvador are just friends 0 Comments

By Official
9/25/12 | Source From

Sam Milby said that he and Maja Salvador are just friends. and admitted sadness about Maja and Matteo's Relationship break up

 “We’re okay. Even if we’re just friends but we’re seen together, iniisip na kagad maysomething. You have to accept that that’s how it is here, but they should understand that you can be friends with somebody and just be hanging out lang. Kami ni Maja we’re friends. Basta we’re friends. You know, we’re together, we’ve been friends for a while and it’s sad kasi with the breakup, you always get pulled into issues and it’s also sad kasi sila they have their own life,” he said during his launch as the endorser of the Diana Stalder Face, Body, and Skin Care Center by Dermaline, Inc. held last September 25 at Mario’s

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