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Gab Valenciano shared how coleen garcia changed him 0 Comments

By Official
10/4/12 | Source From

Gab Valenciano shared on how Coleen Garcia changed his life and personalities

“How can I say this? My life has been surrounded by negativity, whether it’s with friends, whether it’s the public or publicity, it’s been surrounded by negativity. I’ve been called many names, I’ve been called a lot of things, and a lot of people think that for me wala lang. But it does hit me at times.  She was the one that made me feel that it’s okay. It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s okay to fall down. Even us, we’re not perfect. We go through things as well. People see us as a happy couple. But all I can say is we do have our challenges, but we do overcome them because we put each other first more than anything,” he shared.

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