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[Video] Nicki Minaj Cusses Out Mariah Carey During 'American Idol' Audition 0 Comments

By Official
10/3/12 | Source From ,

Nicki Minaj cusses out Mariah Carey during American Idol Audition.
and according to TMZ

Nicki Minaj derailed the "American Idol" auditions in Charlotte, North Carolina today, after swearing at Mariah Carey and threatening, "I'm gonna knock you out" ... sources tell TMZ. 

The Video and Translation of this Video is not suitable for children readers. Parental Guidance is Advice.

Watch the video:

Here's the translation: (according to a youtube user joetj)

"nicki: ...take it back, and if you got a ******* problem, handle it. i told them im not ******* with your ******* highness no more. figure it out
mariah: ughhhhh whyyyyyyyyy do i have a three yr old around me
nicki: i'm not gonna sit here for 20 mins and have you go down your resume everyday, no GOODBYE.
mariah: i can't see my kids until you decide
nicki: go then go
mariah: to stop having a little baby fit, goin all around
nicki: go then you're boring as ****, BORING AS ****."

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