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Empress wants to work with John Llyod Cruz and Jericho Rosales 0 Comments

By Official
5/24/12 | Source From

Empress changed her hair as a sign of her maturity

“I just wanted a total change in my look, and at the same time it also serves as a shout out that I am ready to take in bigger responsibilities as a person and as an actress,” she said.
Empress revealed that she wants to star in an action film

 “It has always been my wish to do an action film like Angelina Jolie’s movies because I tried it once for a movie that I was doing and I really enjoyed it,” she shared.

She is also willing to work with John Llyod Cruz and Jericho Rosales

 “John Lloyd Cruz and Jericho Rosales. We all know how great actors they are.”

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