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Calvin Harris turned down to collaborate with Lady Gaga 0 Comments

By Official
10/30/12 | Source From

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Calvin Harris and Lady Gaga feud online over rejected 2008 remixes

Calvin Harris was asked to produce tracks for Lady Gaga back in 2008 but turned them down because he don't like the songs and he was very busy.

Now, according to other celebrity websites that they sent Calvin Harris to collaborate with Lady gaga but turn them down again!

Lady Gaga took offence at the suggestions, and took to Twitter to discuss the matter in public.

"never even emailed you @calvinharris I guess it's hard to believe I write + produce my music. cuz I'm a woman I don't know about EDM right?" Gage tweeted, prompting a response shortly afterwards from Harris.

The Scottish dance star responded: "@ladygaga no your label emailed me. I always make sure I say Im a fan when asked about it, I apologise if I offended u, wasn't the intention."

then Lady gaga replied

"@CalvinHarris thanks for the apology &explaining. My apologies too. Congratulations on your album. Wish you well. Cheers."

Calvin Responded

"@ladygaga thank u I mean no harm. Looking forward to hearing your work with @zedd I love him!!"

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